Fires i esdeveniments

Viatgem pel món per explorar noves perspectives i percepcions del disseny escandinau que ens resultin inspiradores. Descobreix les nostres exposicions en fires anteriors i llegeix més sobre les properes activitats i experiències de disseny.

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhaguen

      12 - 14 de juny de 2024

      Kuglegårdsvej 12
      1434 København K

    • The Lobby, Copenhaguen

      3 - 4 de setembre 2024

    • Paris Design Week

      Del 5 al 14 de setembre de 2024

      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    Explora els espais que hem creat anteriorment en diverses fires internacionals arreu del món.

    • Trends & Traditions, Copenhaguen

      2 de Maig 2024

      Lokomotivværkstedet, Otto Busses Vej 5A
      2450 København SV

    • Paris Design Week

      Del 7 al 16 de setembre de 2023

      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • Paris Design Week

      8th to 17th of September 2022
      98 Boulevard de Sébastopol
      75003 Paris 03

    • HI Design, Tenerife

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, Copenhagen

      15th to 17th of June 2022

    • CASA DECOR, Madrid

      April 7th to May 22nd 2022

    • 3daysofdesign, September 2021

    • 3daysofdesign, September 2021

    • 3daysofdesign, September 2021

    • 3daysofdesign, September 2021

    • 3daysofdesign, September 2021

    • IMM Cologne, January 2020

    • IMM, Cologne, January 2020

    • IMM, Colònia, gener de 2020