Episode #3: The future of the creative mind

Episode #3: The future of the creative mind

How does the world look in 2040? What changes and expectations are in store? In an inspiring, challenging and bold podcast series we’re pointing the light to the future ahead. Together with eight thought leaders, innovative speakers and clever thinkers, we’re disseminating eight different subjects sharing the future’s innate hopes, dreams, challenges, potentials and possibilities.

In this episode 3, you can join the creative director, Louise Opprud, and explore the seven other minds just waiting on Spotify or Itunes.


Louise Opprud has worked for the ministry of foreign affairs for 8,5 years in Palo Alto in California as creative director of its Innovation Lab. Today she leads the company New Ways of Working and is a part of think tank DareDisrupt. In her work she is focused on how artificial intelligence and automation will influence the workspace in the coming years, and together with businesses she tries to answer the questions of how to stay relevant in the next 20 years. Louise is currently writing on a book together with Preben Mejer about the mindset and demands of the 21st century. A topic she explores in this exact episode.

Listen when she invites us all on a journey through the demands, possibilities, ideas and potentials of both the workspace and private sphere in the coming 20 years.

Listen here


Episode #4: The future of empathy

Episode #2: eliminating ageing