Episode #7: The future of the world

Episode #7: The future of the world

In the podcast series, the next 20 years, we have asked some of the most interesting leaders and people of the planet about what they believe would happen in the next 20 years. And each leader and thinker delve and explore their topic and area of expertise, and offer you their take on the future, the changes, the possibilities and the potentials.

Covering themes such as food, sexuality, workspace, ageing and in this episode, resonance, connectiveness and relationships, Danish author, Tor Nørretranders, will introduce ‘resonance’ and argue that life and the world as we know it will change forever, and that work, life, social life and everything in between will become intertwined. Everything and everyone will become one.


Tor Nørretranders is the author of numerous books on topics ranging from faith and consciousness to modern civilization. His breakthrough as an author came in 1991 with the book ‘The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size’ challenging perceived beliefs on consciousness and information. He has worked at several of the major Danish newspapers such as ‘Weekendavisen’ and ‘Information’ and was the editor at the Danish national radio DR’s scientific radio show ‘Hvælv’ in the late eighties.

Listen to the full episode below and explore the scale of resonance in society 20 years from now.

Listen to the entire series


Episode #8: The workspace in 2040

Episode #6: the future of food